Managing Rights

With the implementation of the DOT Public Access Plans, new terms and conditions for all DOT funding agreements will require:

1.   Immediate grant of a comprehensive non-exclusive, paid-up, royalty-free copyright license to the DOT and

2.   Submission of any publications to the NTL digital repository.

Per the terms and conditions, funded institutions will grant DOT a non-exclusive license for anything copyrightable created under the funding agreement. The license must include "all rights under copyright," including, but not limited to:

  • Right to copy;
  • Right to distribute;
  • Right to prepare derivative works;
  • Right to display; and
  • Right to perform in public.
  • Principal Investigators must ensure that all rights under copyright are non-exclusively retained by DOT and that the terms and conditions of publication to peer-reviewed journals and other outlets do not impair the obligation of the authors to comply with the DOT Public Access Plan.

    Data Use Licenses

    DOT strongly encourages researchers to deposit data under the Creative Commons CC-BY Attribution or an equivalent license, to the extent possible

    The CC-BY license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. Learn more from the Creative Commons website.

    Updated 04:04 PM EST, December 07, 2015